Top Specialist in Dermatology Joins NDSR


We’re delighted to announce the expansion of our dermatology service with the appointment of a new Specialist. ECVD diplomate Tatiana Lima joins us, with a wealth of global experience dating back more than 16 years.

Tatiana graduated from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal in 2005. She worked for more than 10 years in general practice in Portugal, where she dedicated most of her time to dermatology.

She started a three-year residency in 2016 at the Hospital Clinic Veterinari of the Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and became a diplomate of the ECVD in 2020.

Tatiana’s appointment means we now offer a Specialist-led dermatology service five days a week.

Commenting on her recent appointment, Tatiana said: “I am so excited to be a part of such an amazing multi-disciplinary hospital like NDSR.

It’s not often that you come across hospitals which have all the equipment and services at hand to provide expert diagnosis to animals quickly and efficiently.

Dermatology is a lot about teamwork and throughout my career I have always worked as part of a bigger team. The NDSR team have been very welcoming and I am really looking forward to immersing myself into the practices at the hospital and continuing to grow, both personally and with the dermatology service we offer.

“My mission is to build on NDSR’s excellent service to primary care vets and pet owners in the region and hope that we can continue to act as a real extension of their teams.”

Gerry Polton, clinical director at NDSR, said he was excited to have Tatiana as an integral part of the team at the hospital.

He said: “Tatiana is clearly a very experienced and respected dermatologist and we are so pleased she has joined NDSR.

Her experience and expertise enable us to offer a Specialist-led dermatology service to our referring vets for a full five days a week. We have not been able to do this before so it is an exciting evolution of our multi-disciplinary specialist service.”

Case Advice or Arranging a Referral

If you are a veterinary professional and would like to discuss a case with one of our team, or require pre-referral advice about a patient, please call 01883 741449Alternatively, to refer a case, please use the online referral form