Cardiology Fixed Prices

We have introduced a range of fixed prices for some of our more commonly performed cardiology procedures.

These competitive prices allow for an easier referral process and give your clients clear pricing information. Pet owners benefit from the skills and care of our experienced team of Specialists, while having confidence in knowing what their pet’s treatment and care will cost. The following procedures include pre-operative blood tests, general anaesthetic, surgery, up to two nights hospitalisation, one post-operative check, and discharge with two weeks of medication.

PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) £5,400
Balloon valvuloplasty £5,400
Pacemaker (transvenous) £6,000
Pulmonary artery stent placement £6,500

For more information, on these or any of our procedures, please contact the practice on 01883 741449 or email

All prices include VAT. Although major postoperative complications are unusual, any costs incurred relating to unexpected postoperative complications are not included in our fixed price packages.